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Docker Server Setup

Start Database Servers w/ single commands

Docker Server Setup

Docker Server Setup

Who’s this guide for?

Never let those reasons get in your way again!

This article features 1-line commands to start some of the most popular databases, including:

PostgreSQL icon Postgres

MongoDB icon MongoDB

MySQL icon MySQL

Elastic icon ElasticSearch

Note: The commands work in production. However they are mainly designed to accelerate your development workflow.

Advanced Docker Users: If you are familiar with docker-compose you may want to convert the shell commands below for use in your docker-compose.yml files.

Postgres Server

Start a container, naming it pg-server

Terminal window
# Store db files on a local path, outside the container
mkdir -p $HOME/.postgres-data
docker run \
--name pg-localhost \
-p \
--restart unless-stopped \
-it \
--shm-size=256mb \
postgres:16-alpine \
postgres -c 'listen_addresses=*' \
-c 'password_encryption=scram-sha-256' \
-c 'shared_memory_type=sysv' \
-c 'shared_buffers=256MB' \
-c 'max_connections=200'

Adjust the command line options as needed. (The postgres daemon arguments start following the docker image name postgres:16-alpine. See postgres -c 'listen_addresses=*'...)

Access the psql prompt as postgres user

Terminal window
docker exec --user postgres -it pg-server psql

Access the container’s shell as root

Terminal window
docker exec -it pg-server bash

Note: The above command uses the official Alpine Linux base images. It is not your typical debian environment.

To use the debian/ubuntu base image, change postgres:12-alpine to postgres:12.

MongoDB Server

Terminal window
mkdir -p $HOME/.mongodb/data
docker run -d \
--name mongodb \
--restart on-failure:5 \
-p \
-v $HOME/.mongodb:/data \
mongo:latest \
bash -c 'mongod --bind_ip'

Now that your server is setup, verify your data is at $HOME/.mongodb with:

Terminal window
ls -lach $HOME/.mongodb

Let’s connect to the server with mongo CLI tool. (If you don’t have it installed see below.)

Terminal window
#> Using default arguments:

And you should see something like this:

Preview of mongo shell output

Setup Mongo CLI tools

Using brew & OSX
Terminal window
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community-shell

Mysql Server


Terminal window
mkdir -p $HOME/.mysql
docker run -d \
-v $HOME/.mysql:/var/lib/mysql \
-p \
--name mysql-$USER \
-e MYSQL_ROOT_HOST='172.*.*.*' \
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD='p@ssw0rd' \

ElasticSearch Server

Terminal window
mkdir -p $HOME/.elastic
docker run -d \
--name elastic \
-p \
-p \
-v $HOME/.elastic:/data \
elasticsearch bash -c 'elasticsearch --cluster.name elastic_cluster --node.name elastic01 --path.data /data/elastic-data --path.logs /data/elastic-logs '
Security Notes

NOTE: the -p port option prevents access to your instance except from the docker server’s localhost network. To ‘publish’ the exposed ports, remove the local IP address prefix to allow external access: -p 27017:27017. Make sure you have taken necessary security precautions.

Recommended: Always use a port scanning tool (like nmap/masscan) to verify your network configuration (from separate system on another network.)

Now that you have the commands to start your database servers, the next step is to package up your application as a docker image. Part 2 continued below:

Packaging a NodeJS Web App

  1. Add a blank file named Dockerfile in your project root.
  2. (Optional, Recommended) Add a .dockerignore using .gitignore rules to exclude large non-essential paths. By default all project files are included.

Create a Dockerfile in your apps root

# Example for NodeJS
FROM node:12
EXPOSE [3000]
COPY . /app/
RUN apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -yqq
RUN ["npm", "install"]
# Overridable Command
CMD ["npm", "start"]

It’s easier to show how to start using the Dockerfile and demonstrate the results via console (see commands below).

In terminal, cd to your project folder and run the following build command everytime you deploy changes - or want to change/upgrade OS or Env config)

Terminal window
docker build -t app-name-here .

Key Docker Commands Reference

Build Docker Image

Terminal window
docker build -t app-name-here .
Terminal window
docker run -d --name webapp01 -p 3000:3000 --link mongo:mongo --link elastic:elastic app-name-here

Run Interactively (non-daemon, in terminal)

Terminal window
docker run -it --name webapp01 -p 3000:3000 --link mongo:mongo --link elastic:elastic app-name-here bash

Delete Container Instance or Image

Important: Any data not stored on a mounted volume path will be lost!!

Terminal window
# Delete Image
docker rmi -f app-name-here
docker rm -f webapp01
# now re-run your `docker run...` from ^^^
# So for example, let's kill your db instances above, run: ( start with something like `docker stop {mongo,elastic}` )
docker rm -f mongo elastic
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