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Naming things good

Naming stuff: Object Oriented Basics

Naming things good

Naming stuff: Object Oriented Basics

Let’s look at Object/class design by example…

The Situation

Have you ever designed a data model (in code, Sql, or excel worksheets)? Does the following look familiar?

*** anti-pattern - don't copy-paste ***
* User
  - id
  - avatarUrl
  - name
  - email
  - password

* Agent
  - id
  - primaryPhoto
  - name
  - email
  - agentEmail
  - agentPhoneMain
  - agentEmailPrimary
  - agentPhonePrimary
  - agentAddressFull
  - agentCompanyName
  - agentCompanyAddress
  - *userEmail* - 'Pointer' to User table ^^^

Where’s the bug?

Well, technically there’s no bug, simply data in need of re-organization.

Does the following sound familiar?

  1. Any change to your app will necessitate hours of arduous debugging.
  2. Any changing requirements will result in:

schema refactor

Why is naming a field agentEmailPrimary so bad?

For starters, you are not creating an entirely new thing unto the universe. Over-specificity has some traps:

  1. ‘Locked’ into highly specific name, means agentEmailPrimary probably make your views and related code 0% reusable, and featuring annoyingly recurring bugs like:
  1. agentEmailPrimary could mean a few different things. Avoid ambiguity with shorter names.

Enough words Dan, what should it look like instead?

A Solution

// Consolidated Schema:

  - id
  - role: ['agent', 'lead', 'admin']
  - name
  - phone
  - address
  - email
  - password
  - company
    - name
    - address

I removed the Agent table, as it didn’t contain fields which were unique to Agents. And the User.company object (with .name, .address) emerged once the naming was cleaned up.

Some guiding principles:

  1. Eliminate unnecessary tables. Do you really need to have a statuses table? When you could add a status::VARCHAR(8) field on the User table? It’s ok, use the extra bytes per row.
  2. Try merge related tables. Data
  3. Delete redundant data collection (e.g. remove ActivityLogs table if replaced by an Analytics solution.)
  4. Try keeping all field names to a single word/noun/pro-noun. It’s ok to rely on the context provided by the table. (e.g. PersonalAccount.email vs BusinessAccount.email - the context is provided by the table name.)
  5. There is no such thing as Agent.agentEmail or Agent.agentPhonePrimary. Period. Say it with me: “it’s email & phone.”
  6. By using Highly Specific Names, you cast-in-stone a specific level of code-reusability and durability, well, specifically ZERO %.
  7. You aren’t doing yourself any favors with crap like this User.profileSummaryEmail. 💞

Recommended reading includes:

  1. Maybe Normalizing Isn’t Normal
  2. The Trade-offs Between Database Normalization and Denormalization
  3. http://phlonx.com/resources/nf3/
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database_normalization