My Contribution Log

I'd like to believe I contribute to open source out of some noble, altruistic spirit. Chances are, I simply want to fix the issue I'm facing. 😇

The urge to fix `upstream` becomes harder to ignore as I realize I've seen the issue before... Yet cannot recall the solution. It feels worse still when Google taunts you with purple visited links! Who's been using my machine?!?

Without further ado, here's my digital journal of select open source contributions.

This page was last updated 1/10/2025


NodeJS is the wildly successful framework which helped JavaScript venture beyond the browser to become the most ubiquitous programming language.

PR: #6238


Angular is a platform and framework for building single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript.

PR: #40699


Docker is an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications, whether on laptops, data center VMs, or the cloud.



A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras. Lodash is one of the most successful JavaScript libraries ever. It's enjoyed several years at #1 on the 'Top 10' most depended on libraries NPM ranking.

PR: #2156


Gatsby is a modern Static Site Generator for blazing fast websites.

PR: #9284


React Router is an extremely popular routing solution for React. It features a collection of navigational components that work flexibly with your application.



Slate is a tool to generate modern documentation for libraries, SDKs, and APIs.

PR: #946


Mongoose is one of the most popular Object Data Model libraries for MongoDB.

PR: #2976


Joi is a powerful schema description language and data validator for JavaScript.

2 PRs: #2246#2195


Bluebird is a very common Promise-enhancement library. It's also one of the 'Top 10' most depended on libraries.



Bootswatch is a collection of themes for Bootstrap.

PR: #928


Nodejitsu's popular HTTP Proxy library is used in 100's of libraries on NPM.

PR: #870


Semantic UI React is the official React integration for Semantic UI.

PR: #3713


Polly.JS is a standalone, framework-agnostic JavaScript library that enables recording, replaying, and stubbing HTTP interactions.

2 PRs: #464#440


React Native Video is a video component for React Native.

2 PRs: #2372#2371


ES6 for Humans is a welcoming tour of new JavaScript features. This book is published by Apress and available on Amazon and other bookstores.



Execa is a better child_process for NodeJS.



In-view is a widely used library for reliable DOM position information across many mobile and desktop platforms/browsers.

PR: #18


Resume CLI is the command line tool for JSON Resume, the open source initiative to create a JSON-based standard for resumes.



React Native Mapbox GL is a Mapbox GL module for React Native.

PR: #2394


PostGIS is a spatial database extender for PostgreSQL object-relational database. It adds support for geographic objects allowing location queries to be run in SQL.

PR: #782


AWS SDK Client Mock is a simple mock for the AWS SDK.

PR: #110


Mozilla Development Network is relied on by millions of developers. It has become the de-facto standard source for technical details on JavaScript, HTML, the DOM, and other browser features.

2 PRs: #1125#1124


Turf is a modular geospatial engine written in JavaScript. It performs geospatial operations with GeoJSON data and is used by many popular mapping libraries.

PR: #206


Astro Critical CSS is a tool to generate critical CSS for Astro sites.

PR: #2