AngularJS Tricks
AngularJS CAN BE Fun!

AngularJS CAN BE Fun!
For: AngularJS v1.x
- AngularJS Developers quickly discover that their med-large apps are buckling under the weight of scattered
and the often bloated crutch known as$scope
. - Keep your
free of excess UI state, try limit the size & depth of your overall hierarchy.
2-way data binding: 2-way Sword
2-way binding alone makes coming from other frameworks like Backbone, well, frickin amazeballs.
The problem is: many sites chronically overuse Angular’s design patterns.
This leads to directive sprawl and a $scope/rootScope
which easily has 1000’s of instances, and can cling to huge objects preventing any hope of effective garbage collection.
You know where this is going: an exhausted browser! Forever doomed to work at a frantic pace executing endless and redundant UI/DOM re-compiles.
Stop OVER-Angular.JSification
“If your only tool is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail.”
- old adage
Does your app have a problem with directives?
current-user-status-label div(ng-if='loggedIn') view-user-surplusage(ng-if='!editMode') .head: contact-details(user='user') .tool: contact-buttons(loggedIn='loggedIn') a.edit-icon(ng-click='editMode = true') edit-user-surplusage(ng-if='editMode') .head: avatar-edit(user='user') .body: edit-contact-details(user='user')'editMode = false')
Let’s design a flexible user-widget which helps:
- Versatile componentization w/ DRY Angular code
- Understandable directives, with minimal directive size/depth (mind your ng-repeats)
- Simple Service Layer
- Little actual coding to implement - just HTML/View Code
// jadeuser-widget div(ng-if='loggedIn') div.edit(ng-if='editMode') input(type='email', ng-model='') input(type='email', ng-model='')'editMode = false')'!editMode') h1.users-icon {{ }} {{ }} {{ }} a.edit-icon(ng-click='editMode = true') div(ng-if='!loggedIn') h5: i Welcome User a.btn(href='/login') Login
Angular Tips
- Use 1-way binding ( e.g.
{ :: title }
) - Limit recursive nesting of directives
- And if you must nest directives, NEVER do so inside an
- Performance will start to mirror something likeO(n^2)^3
;) I. Use native JS/DOM code in a factory pattern to create basic DOM/UI fragments, examples: Modal msg box, status bar. Call UI factories from either directives or controllers. - Bonus: Understand cost and triggers of browser render lifecycle: animation, composite rendering, reflows
Use Browserify to Organize Project
Not specifically for Angular per-se, but essential for simple dependency resolution.
Browserify makes JS projects managable with virtually no added code overhead (ok, a few 100 chars).
Just read this section of the Browserify Handbook.
ReactJS from Facebook
If you have tons of small reusable UI components - ReactJS might be a better choice:
- If your project…?:
- Has a different philosophy to UI/DOM implementation than Angular
- Already has some kind of ‘framework’ - You can use ReactJS alongside AngularJS, Ember, Backbone. (Avoid if possible though).
- Handles frequent data model changes in it’s own code, you’ll benefit by avoiding the ADHD-nature of digest/loop pattern in Angular
Polymer Project from Google
Pure-er JS Approach
- By the way, here’s where I try create framework agnostic code (+1 testability, +1 reuse)
- Use plain javascript class to load data (AJAX/JSONP/Embedded in page, et al.)
- Use mustache templating to create HTML strings (or DOM directly)
- Cache rendered content in localStorage if you can
- (Optional) Now add an event listener to re-render the content. I have standardized on the event name