Higher Order Programming
Exploring Array- and Set-based Pipeline Techniques

Exploring Array- and Set-based Pipeline Techniques
An Anti-Pattern?
This is an exploration of advantages gained when you code everything as an array. (Using Jedi concepts from SmallTalk)
Here’s some guiding principles:
All input is array-like. Even if an array of 1.
Higher level functions should generally accept AND return arrays. (Except for callback methods for loops: map/reduce/each/filter)
99 out of 100 devs code suffers from what I call
acute schema surplusage
syndrome. -
Beware bloated
class-backed models
- with all the predictable trappings: fragileinstance state
w/ so many levers and knobs to mess with, DB transactions, sql locks, async/mutexing (that always works first time), using idiomaticproperty getter/setters
, and yourpublic/private/final/etc
usage is solid, right? -
So let me take a common problem and shoehorn ~~~add~~~ some set-based musings.
A hypothetical Blog Site has lots of Articles, and has even more Posts (Comments).
Let’s add a
method (below) - but with support for both singular OR arrays.
package net.danlevy.why.java___why.you.got.all.the.dots____it.must.be.all.the.factories;
public class Post { public String title; public Date created; public String message;
public Post(String title, String message) { this.title = title; this.message = message; this.created = new Date(); }
public Date isArchived() { return this.created < new Date(2015, 0, 1); }
// Post.delete` can be called w/ a singular Post or an array of Post[] public static int delete(Post post) { List<Post> posts = new List<Post>(post); return delete(posts) }
public static int delete(List<Post> posts) { return posts.map(Dao.remove); }}
Forgive me if my Java is a little rusty.