if [ "$(which sysbench)" == "" -o "$(which inxi)" == "" -o "$(which tcpdump)" == "" ]; then
sudo apt-get update && apt-get install -y sysbench inxi htop iotop tcpdump hddtemp
export DATE_TAG=`date +%F` #YYYY-MM-DD
export CPU_CORES="$([ -e /proc/cpuinfo ] && grep -sc ^processor /proc/cpuinfo || sysctl -n hw.ncpu)"
export BENCH_DIR=$HOME/benchmarks/
if [ $CPU_CORES -lt `expr 1 + $thread_limit` ]; then
printf "\n\n${yellow}ALERT: Skipping tests limited by \"${thread_limit} thread test\"\n${cyan}Not enough CPU Cores ($CPU_CORES) ${reset}\n\n"
printf "\n\n${yellow}ALERT: Skipping tests limited by \"${thread_limit} thread test\"\n${reset}"
sudo sysbench --test=cpu \
--cpu-max-prime=${prime_limit} \
--num-threads=${CPU_CORES} \
run | tee -a $BENCH_DIR/results/cpu-test.log
# benchSingleDisk seqrd 120G 8K 300
function benchSingleDisk () {
sudo sysbench --test=fileio --init-rng=on --file-test-mode=${1:-seqrd} --file-block-size=${3:-64K} \
--num-threads=${CPU_CORES} --max-time=${4:-180} --file-total-size=${2:-60G} \
--max-requests=0 run | tee -a $BENCH_DIR/results/sysbench-fileio.log
# benchDisk - tests random read & write, and sequential r, and sequential write, before final cleanup.
# Generates test files - up to 75% of your free space - in local dir, then runs the 3 tests (up to 20 minutes each)
freeSpace=`df -k . | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}'`
testSize=$(awk "BEGIN {print ($freeSpace / 1024 / 1024) * 0.75; exit}")
printf "####>>> \nWriting $testSize test data to ${PWD}...\n"
benchSingleDisk seqrd ${testSize} 8K 300
benchSingleDisk seqwr ${testSize} 8K 300
benchSingleDisk seqrw ${testSize} 8K 300
benchSingleDisk rndrd ${testSize} 8K 300
benchSingleDisk rndwr ${testSize} 8K 300
benchSingleDisk rndrw ${testSize} 8K 300
benchSingleDisk seqrd ${testSize} 64K 300
benchSingleDisk seqwr ${testSize} 64K 300
benchSingleDisk seqrw ${testSize} 64K 300
benchSingleDisk rndrd ${testSize} 64K 300
benchSingleDisk rndwr ${testSize} 64K 300
benchSingleDisk rndrw ${testSize} 64K 300
printf "\n\n####>>> \nCOMPLETED TESTS! Great Success!!! \n\n\n"