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How to lose a billion dollars super fast

Breaking Unicorns

How to lose a billion dollars super fast

Observations of unicorns in the wild. 🦄


Enterprise Theater 🎭

Does your company suffer from low-H? (Hustle, not heroin.)

Or low-F? (As in no fucks left.)

No worries, the big boss has figured it out!

  • It’s culture! We need to read a book! Or, hire a consultant! Company offsite? Hawaii? So cultured!
  • It’s values! Embrace your new mandated values!
  • Actually, it’s people’s perception. Stupid people. Rebranding time!
  • We forgot, we need to hire an adult. A savior! Someone who will fix everything. Someone from a real company, respected by friends & enemies alike. Someone who clearly spent a pretentious amount of time on their website..
  • The savior said we need to be data-driven. Duh, dummies. Now, we drive data! Make charts go up and to the right, brrr!
  • Funny story, turns out it’s the staff. Fire key/random people. Let folks know we’re serious.
Ad: If your engineering organization is hiring a savior, please reach out to learn about the latest SaaS (Savior as a Service) from Dan!

Raising the Bar đź’Ş

So, you raised a big round? Time to spend it all!

We can afford new people, better people, smart people. 🍷

Unrelatedly, introducing 360 Reviews! (Named for the number of reviews you’ll be assigned.)

Now it’s time to raise the bar! (Euphamism for hire & fire people!)

RIP Team Falcon: Lost in tragic “Raising the Bar” incident.

Are You Disrupted? 🚀

Are you a real disruptor? Turn it up to 11! Boil that Blue Ocean!

Be the Disruption

Book Clubbed to Death đź“š

How to win at Book Club

Book Decoder Ring

While many of these books are fantastic & highly recommended, that doesn’t need to get in the way of folks mis-using, mis-understanding, and mis-applying them!

Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High

With all due respect, fuck you.

Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

Faster peasants!

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

Level-up you fucking amatuers.

No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention

You’re about to get a lot more work.

Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber

You’re about to get a lot less sleep.

The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon

I hope you like to pee in a bottle!
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